Spoke Rewired Data Dictionary

The following table is designed to help you better understand the data from your texting campaigns, allowing you to analyze campaign performance. Sample scripts for potential analyses can be found below the table. Depending on the platform you use, you may need to adjust schema prefixes (e.g. "message" may need to become "spoke.message"). 

title description key columns
campaign Contains information about each campaign - e.g. when it was created or whether it was archived. Primary key is campaign.id.  
campaign_contact Contains information about a contact for each campaign. Joins to campaign on campaign_contact.campaign_id = campaign.id. Primary key is campaign_contact.id.  
message Contains each message, inbound and outbound. Joins to campaign and campaign_contact on message.campaign_contact_id = campaign_contact.id. is_from_contact = true means message is inbound, = false means outbound message
question_response Contains "question responses," or Spoke question responses. Joins to campaign and campaign_contact on question_response.campaign_contact_id = campaign_contact.id. Only includes contacts who have a question_response populated. 'value' contains question response values like support score, activist codes, Wrong Number, etc.
all_question_response Contains "question responses", or Spoke question responses. Joins to campaign and campaign_contact on question_response.campaign_contact_id = campaign_contact.id. Includes all contacts, including those who did not respond, where the "value" is null.  
canned_response Contains all Spoke canned responses.    
interaction_step Contains all of the scripts at each 'interaction step' in the texting script, as well as the hierarchy for how all of the 'interaction steps' in the texting script tree are related to one another.  
opt_out Contains all opted out contacts, as well as the campaigns on which they were opted out.  
campaign_contact_tag Campaign contacts and associated tags. Must be joined back to all_tag or tag on campaign_contact_tag.tag_id = all_tag.id to get tag titles.  
all_tag Contains all tags, including those which have been deleted.  
tag A view of all_tag for tags that have not been deleted.  
user Contains information about users (texters, supervolunteers, admins, owners).  
team Contains team ID and team title for texting teams you may have within your organization.  
user_team Crosswalk between team and user. joins to team on team.id = user_team.team_id
user_organization Crosswalk between user and organization.  
organization Lists all organizations within your instance of Spoke. For example, you might have different organizations if there are multiple sub-groups / affiliates of a larger organization using your Spoke. joins to campaign on organization.id = campaign.organization_id

Sample Scripts

How to get counts of contacts with certain tags within a certain interval:

select at.title, count(distinct cc.id) from campaign_contact cc

left join campaign_contact_tag cct on cc.id = cct.campaign_contact_id

left join all_tag at on cct.tag_id = at.id

where cct.updated_at between now() - interval '12 hours' and now()

group by at.title

How to get an export ready for VAN bulk upload, marking null values as 'canvassed, no response':

select distinct cc.external_id,

case when aqr.value is null then 'canvassed, no response'

else aqr.value end as value,

to_char(m.sent_at,'MM-DD-YYYY') as date from campaign c

left join campaign_contact cc on c.id = cc.campaign_id

left join message m on cc.id = m.campaign_contact_id

left join all_question_response aqr on cc.id = aqr.campaign_contact_id

How to find the number of texts sent inbound and outbound, grouped by day:

edit timezone to reflect your timezone

select date(sent_at::timestamptz at time zone 'EDT') as date,


when is_from_contact = true then 'inbound'

when is_from_contact = false then 'outbound'

end as direction,

Count(*) as messages

from message

group by date(sent_at::timestamptz at time zone 'EDT'),


order by date(sent_at::timestamptz at time zone 'EDT') desc;

How to find number of texts sent by a member of a certain team (i.e. "Spanish texting team")

select Count(*)

from message

where user_id in


select user_id

from user_team

join team

on team.id = user_team.team_id

where team.title ilike '%spanish%' );

How to find number of unique texters in your organization:

select count(*) from user;

How to calculate response rates by script option for Campaign ID 75, for initial text only:

-- Your analysis on messages, grouped by the script_option_hash

-- replace campaign_id with actual campaign ID

with hash_counts as (




count(*) as hash_count

from message

join campaign_contact

on campaign_contact.id = message.campaign_contact_id


campaign_id = 75

group by 1, 2


-- Fetch script options as reference

scripts as (


interaction_step.id as istep_id,


unnest(interaction_step.script_options) as script_option

from interaction_step

where campaign_id = 75

-- EDITING HERE WILL CHANGE the 'interaction_step' parent, and for initial texts, the

-- interaction step parent will be null

and parent_interaction_id is null


-- Resolve analysis script_option hashs to script_option text

script_options as (select






from scripts

join hash_counts

on hash_counts.script_version_hash = md5(scripts.script_option)

order by 1, 3 desc),

-- Response rate =

-- of everyone who got a certain initial, how many of them had ANY response

script_total_contacts as (

select m.script_version_hash,

cc.id as campaign_contact_id,


from message m

inner join campaign_contact cc on m.campaign_contact_id = cc.id

inner join script_options sc on sc.script_version_hash = m.script_version_hash),

script_response_contacts as (

select distinct campaign_contact_id from message

where is_from_contact = true


responded_bool as (




case when src.campaign_contact_id is null then false

else true end as responded


script_total_contacts stc

left join script_response_contacts src on src.campaign_contact_id = stc.campaign_contact_id),

subtotals as (

select script_option,responded, count(distinct campaign_contact_id) as subtotal_count

from responded_bool

group by script_option,responded),

totals as (

select script_option,count(distinct campaign_contact_id) as total_count

from responded_bool

group by script_option)

select totals.script_option,




subtotal_count::numeric*100 / total_count::numeric

from subtotals

left join totals on subtotals.script_option = totals.script_option

How to calculate ID rates by script option for Campaign ID 75, for initial text only:

-- Your analysis on messages, grouped by the script_option_hash

with subtotal as (select value,



count(distinct qr.campaign_contact_id) as subtotal

from campaign c

left join campaign_contact cc on c.id = cc.campaign_id

left join question_response qr on cc.id = qr.campaign_contact_id

left join message m on cc.id = m.campaign_contact_id

left join

(with hash_counts as (




count(*) as hash_count

from message

join campaign_contact

on campaign_contact.id = message.campaign_contact_id


campaign_id in (75)

group by 1, 2


-- Fetch script options as reference

scripts as (


interaction_step.id as istep_id,


unnest(interaction_step.script_options) as script_option

from interaction_step

where campaign_id in (75)

-- EDITING HERE WILL CHANGE the 'interaction_step' parent, and for initial texts, the

-- interaction step parent will be null

and parent_interaction_id is null


-- Resolve analysis script_option hashs to script_option text







from scripts

join hash_counts

on hash_counts.script_version_hash = md5(scripts.script_option)

order by 1, 3 desc) x on x.script_version_hash = m.script_version_hash

where c.id = 75

-- This line limits the question_value responses to those that include ---- numbers only - useful if you are calculating support %

and value ~ '[0-9]'

group by value, m.script_version_hash,x.script_option),

-- Calculate total sent of each script version

totals as (

select subtotal.script_version_hash,


sum(subtotal.subtotal) as total

from subtotal

group by script_version_hash, subtotal.script_option)

-- Final analysis

select st.*,



when t.total = 0 then t.total

else st.subtotal::numeric*100/t.total

end as percent

from subtotal st

left join totals t on t.script_version_hash = st.script_version_hash

How to analyze "A/B" test results using script versions for Campaign ID 75:

-- Your analysis on messages, grouped by the script_option_hash

with hash_counts as (




count(*) as hash_count

from message

join campaign_contact

on campaign_contact.id = message.campaign_contact_id


campaign_id = 75

group by 1, 2


-- Fetch script options as reference

scripts as (


interaction_step.id as istep_id,


unnest(interaction_step.script_options) as script_option

from interaction_step

where campaign_id = 75


-- Resolve analysis script_option hashes to script_option text







from scripts

join hash_counts

on hash_counts.script_version_hash = md5(scripts.script_option)

order by 1, 3 desc


How to analyze reply rates of "A/B" test results for Campaign ID 75:






sample.text as sample_message

from (



count(*) filter (where message_status <> 'messaged' and message_status <> 'needsMessage') as responded,

count(*) filter (where message_status <> 'needsMessage') as total,

count(*) filter (where message_status <> 'messaged' and message_status <> 'needsMessage') /

(count(*) filter (where message_status <> 'needsMessage'))::float * 100 as reply_rate

from message

join campaign_contact

on campaign_contact.id = message.campaign_contact_id

where campaign_id = 75

and not exists (

select 1 from message earlier_message

where earlier_message.campaign_contact_id = campaign_contact.id

and earlier_message.created_at < message.created_at


and send_status = 'DELIVERED'

group by 1

) ab_test

join message sample on sample.id = (

select id

from message

where message.script_version_hash = ab_test.script_version_hash

limit 1


How to analyze opt out rates of "A/B" test results for Campaign ID 75:






sample.text as sample_message

from (



count(*) filter (where is_opted_out = true and message_status <> 'needsMessage') as opted_out,

count(*) filter (where message_status <> 'needsMessage') as total,

count(*) filter (where is_opted_out = true and message_status <> 'needsMessage') /

(count(*) filter (where message_status <> 'needsMessage'))::float * 100 as opt_out_rate

from message

join campaign_contact

on campaign_contact.id = message.campaign_contact_id

where campaign_id = 75

and not exists (

select 1 from message earlier_message

where earlier_message.campaign_contact_id = campaign_contact.id

and earlier_message.created_at < message.created_at


and send_status = 'DELIVERED'

group by 1

) ab_test

join message sample on sample.id = (

select id

from message

where message.script_version_hash = ab_test.script_version_hash

limit 1


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