Campaign Actions

You can manage active campaigns with campaign actions. The following actions are available for each campaign as viewed on the Campaigns page of the administration dashboard. You can access these options by clicking the three vertical dots to the right of each campaign.

Release Unsent Messages

Unassigns all conversations waiting for an initial message from a texter.

Texters may not all always send out all the initial messages assigned to them. When that happens, you can select  Release Unsent Messages, which will make all previously stranded initial messages available for assignment to other texters via the request form.

Mark For Second Pass

Marks all conversations that didn't receive a response from the contact as needing an initial message.

This action is useful for following up with contacts who didn't see the initial message or who forgot to reply. If you use this action, you should also change the script's initial message so that texters don't send the exact same message twice. For example, you could start the new initial message with, "Hey {firstName}, just wanted to make sure you saw our first message..." 

When you use this action, a notification displays the number of conversations that are marked for a second pass. After marking for a pass, you'll need to Release Unsent Messages in order to make them available for assignment via the request form. Click here to learn more about running a second pass.

Note: You can only mark for a second pass before the due date of a campaign. 

Release Unreplied Conversations

Unassigns conversations where the contact has replied and is awaiting a response from a texter.

Texters may not finish responding to all their replies before signing off for the day. Or even if they do, additional replies may continue to come in from the initial message they've already sent. In either case, administrators can Release Unreplied Conversations in order to grab those conversations out of their existing workflows and make them available for assignment to other texters via the request form. 

To ensure that you're not ripping away conversations that texters are actively working on, you must specify the amount of time conversations have been idle in order to be released.

Archive Campaign

Stops the campaign, marks it as archived, and disables all future texting and notifications for the campaign.

Use Archive Campaign when you're sure you're done texting on it or if you need to immediately stop all texts from going out to campaign contacts. You can unarchive archived campaigns. 

Delete Unmessaged Contacts

Removes contacts that have not yet received a message.

Use this action if you don't want to message any more contacts on a campaign, but you still want to use auto-assignment to handle replies. For example, you may catch an error in the initial message or realize you've already passed an important deadline. In these scenarios, you won't want to keep sending out incorrect or outdated information, but you'll still need to handle replies from contacts who already received the initial message.

Un-Mark for Second Pass

Marks contacts that have been sent a message but are marked as unmessaged—because they were marked for a second pass—as having been message.

This is effectively an "undo" button for Mark for Second Pass. Just as with Delete Unmessaged Contacts, you can use this action if you don't want to message any more contacts on a campaign, but you still want to use auto-assignment to handle replies. 

Turn auto-assign ON/OFF

Makes campaign conversations eligible or ineligible for automatic assignment to texters via the request form.

This is a shortcut action to toggle auto-assignment on or off, just as you would from the campaign settings page.

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