
Dashboards are the primary interfaces that administrators and texters use to navigate Spoke.

Administration Dashboard

The administration dashboard lets you manage your Spoke organization. From the administration dashboard, you can access the following pages:

  • Campaigns: a list of active campaign. Where you can create new campaigns, view campaigns statuses, and take campaign actions.
  • Template Campaigns: a list of template campaigns. Where you can create and edit template campaigns.
  • People: a list of Spoke users. Where you can invite users to Spoke and change user roles.
  • Teams: a list of texter teams. Where you can create and edit teams.
  • Assignment Control: control panel for the request form. Where you can distribute texting assignments to texters.
  • Tags: a list of conversation tags. Where you can add new tags and edit existing tags.
  • Opt Outs: Where you can import or export opt outs or import opt ins.
  • Message Review: conversation filtering and assignment interface. Where you can filter conversations to find specific messages or analyze campaigns; where you can bulk reassign or unassign conversations.
  • Escalated Convos: workflow of escalated conversations. Where you can review escalated messages.
  • Bulk Script Editor: Find-and-replace tool. Where you can make bulk script edits across multiple campaigns.
  • Assignment Requests: Queue of pending texter assignment requests. Where you can manually approve assignment requests from texters (only relevant if you're not using auto-assign)
  • Integrations: List of Spoke integrations. Where you can set up a VAN integration.
  • Settings: Menu of settings.

You must be an Administrator or Owner for your Spoke organization to use the administration dashboard. To access the administration dashboard, use the following URL: 


Where your-domain is the unique subdomain name you chose when signing up.

Texter Dashboard

The texter dashboard lets you request texts and send messages to any conversations assigned to you. You must have a user account with your Spoke organization to use the texter dashboard.

To access the texter dashboard, use the following URL:


Where your-domain is the unique subdomain name you chose when signing up.

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