Adopting 10DLC

Brand and Campaign Registration Guide

Spoke Rewired fully supports sending messages with 10DLC. To take advantage of our lowest prices and improved deliverability, you should register your Spoke organization for a 10DLC brand.

We are committed to supporting you throughout the registration process and offer registration and ongoing 10DLC enrollment at no additional cost.

You can find the registration link in the Admin section of your Spoke Rewired instance. Navigate to Settings and click Register under the heading "10DLC Registration Information.”

Guide Summary

There are two parts to completing 10DLC registration. The first part is for 527 political organizations only (e.g., campaign or PAC) and the second part is for all organizations including 527s. If you are not a 527 political organization you can skip to 10DLC registration.

Campaign Verify Registration

Verification for 527 political organizations (e.g., campaign or PAC) is handled by Campaign Verify. If you qualify, you should begin the registration process with Campaign Verify ASAP! Please note that campaigns that registered before November 15th, 2022, will need to resubmit using a new Campaign Verify Token. As per Campaign Verify:

Authorization Tokens for verification requests submitted on November 15, 2022 and later will be valid until January 31, 2025. 

Steps to register a 527 political organization:

  1. Register with Campaign Verify by filling out the Campaign Verify form.

  1. Receive an Authorization Token from Campaign Verify.
    • Example token:cv|1.0|tcr|10dlc|00000000-0000-4000-0000-000000000000|abca1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0_0000000000000000000
  2. Once you receive the Campaign Verify Authorization Token, continue by following the steps below to register for 10DLC in your Spoke instance.

10DLC Registration in Spoke

All organizations including 527 political organizations must fill out this form to finish 10DLC registration. Note: Only users with the Owner role will be able to complete registration. 

  1. From your administration dashboard, navigate to "Settings" in the left menu

  1. From the Settings page, click the "Register" button. 

  1. Fill out the 10DLC registration form for Rewired LLC and submit. Email us at with any questions.

  1. Note: Customers that signed up for our service before October 1st, 2021 may need to sign the newest contract if they have not already. We will email your account owner the new contract. The updated service agreement covers 10DLC changes, including 10DLC Pricing and Compliance. We will not register a brand or campaign on your behalf until the updated service agreement has been signed and we have the required brand registration information.

We anticipate a 3-5 business day delay between completing the registration and your brand being capable of sending messages.

Message Limitations for Sole Proprietorships

Mobile carriers limit message volume if you are a sole proprietor or have no legal entity. There is a max of 1,000 outbound SMS segments and MMS daily to T-Mobile (messages exceeding this limit will fail).

Private Company Third-Party Vetting

Private companies have the option to go with third-party commercial vetting to improve their message throughput. 

Campaign Information

You will need to provide information explaining to carriers how your organization will be using SMS channels.

Our customers may register under the following standard use cases.

Use Case Description

Part of an organized effort to influence the decision-making of a specific group.

All campaigns to be verified.

Charity 501(c)(3) organizations should register campaigns with the Charity / 501(c)(3) special use case. Does not include: Religious organizations.
Emergency Notification services designed to support public safety / health during natural disasters, armed conflicts, pandemics and other national or regional emergencies
Polling and voting
Public Service Announcement An informational message that is meant to raise the audience's awareness about an important issue

Charity Special Use Case

Verification of 501(c)(3) status is required.

Political Special Use Case

A 10DLC campaign may be registered with the Political special use case. Any candidate, party, PAC, or other committee that is a 527 tax-exempt organization and registered with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) or a State, Local, or Tribal Election Authority may be eligible for this special use case.

501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), and 501(c)(6) organizations sending messages that are political in nature should also register with the Political special use case.

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