Self-Managing Sending Locations

If you need to create and manage a large number of sending locations, we can give you an API token that will allow you to create sending locations yourself.

To do this, you will need to make a GraphQL request to, with a "token" header that is the API token we provide over email. If you are not familiar with GraphQL, check out this getting started guide. You will also need to know your profile id, which we can provide over email as well. We recommend using Postman, Insomnia, or GraphiQL to make these API requests.

To get all currently active sending locations, use the following query:

query activeSendingLocations {
    sendingLocations(condition: { decomissionedAt: null }) {
        nodes {

To get all sending locations, even ones that have been discarded, simply remove the condition:

query allSendingLocations {
    sendingLocations {
        nodes {

You could also, for example, look at sending locations by state:

query getSendingLocationsForState($state: String!) {
    sendingLocations(condition: { decomissionedAt: null, state: $state }) {
        nodes {

With the variables:

	"state": "NY"

To create a sending location, use the following mutation, providing the zip code to use as the center point for the sending location you would like to create. This will return additional information about the sending location including the area codes from which it will begin purchasing numbers.

mutation createSendingLocation($center: ZipCode!, $referenceName: String!, $profileId: UUID!) {
    createSendingLocation(input: {sendingLocation: {center: $center, referenceName: $referenceName, profileId: $profileId, purchasingStrategy: SAME_STATE_BY_DISTANCE}}) {
        sendingLocation {
            location {

And include something like the following payload as variables:

	"center": "11206",
	"referenceName": "My Special Sending Location"
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