Message Review

The Message Review page of your administration dashboard allows you to filter through your organization's conversations, as well as reassign or unassign conversations that you've selected.

Message Filter

Within the Message Review page, click open the Message Filter window. You can then use the available filtering criteria to find and review specific conversations. Once you select your filtering criteria, a list of conversations will automatically generate based on that selection. As you update your criteria, the list will also update in real time.

Note: Try and start with criteria selections that will narrow the breadth of your search so that the system doesn't get stalled trying to generate an unwieldy list. For example, filtering by campaign or texter is often a good place to start.

Filtering Criteria - Toggles

There are numerous toggles you can switch ON or OFF to help filter conversations.

  • Active Campaigns: select whether or not you want to display conversations from active campaigns.
  • Archived Campaigns: select whether or not you want to display conversations from archived campaigns.
    • The default position is OFF, so that you'll only be looking at conversations from active campaigns. You may need to turn this ON if you want to review conversations from older campaigns.
  • Not Opted Out: select whether or not you want to display conversations from contacts who have not opted out.
  • Opted Out: select whether or not you want to display conversations from contacts who have opted out. 
    • The default position is OFF, so that you'll only be looking at conversations with contacts who are still opted in. This can be helpful to toggle ON if you're looking to make sure your texters are not incorrectly opting people out.
  • Include Escalated: select whether or not you want to display escalated conversations.
    • The default position is ON. Make sure to turn it OFF if you're going to be bulk reassigning or unassigning conversations, so that you don't mistakenly remove escalated conversations from the escalated convos workflow.

Filtering Criteria - Fields

There are also a number of drop-down and search fields you can use to filter conversations.

  • Contact Message Status: decide which conversations to review based on the status of those conversations. One or multiple of the following statuses may be selected:
    • All – Conversations of all statuses.
    • Needs Texter Response – Conversations where the contact has replied but not yet received a response from a texter.
    • Needs First Message – Conversations where the contact has not yet received the initial message.
    • Active Conversations – Conversations where the the contact has replied and the texter has responded.
    • First Message Sent – Conversations where the initial message has been sent but the contact has not replied.
    • Closed – Conversations where the texter has selected Close, effectively closing the conversation.
  • Campaign: filter conversations by campaign name or ID number. This is often the first step when searching for specific conversations.
  • Texter: filter conversations by texter name. This if usually the first step when searching for conversations in a specific texter's workflow.
  • Filter by Contact Name: filter conversations based on the name of the contact being texted.
  • Filter by Contact Tags: filter conversations based on tags that have been applied to those conversations.

Message Actions

Once you've generated a filtered list of conversations, you're then able to perform actions on one, several, or all of those filtered conversations. There are two available actions:


Reassigning conversations removes them from their current texter's workflow and places them in a new texter's workflow. 

To reassign conversations:
  1. Use Message Filter to generate a filtered list. 
  2. Click Message Actions, then select Reassign.
  3. Click the Select at least one texter field and pick one or more texters to receive the reassigned texts. If you select multiple texters, the reassigned messages will be evenly split between them.
  4. Select one or more conversations to reassign using the checkboxes, then click Reassign Selected. Or, if you want to reassign the entire filtered list, click Reassign All x Matching, then select Reassign.


Unassigning conversations removes them from their current texter's workflow and places them in the pool of texts available for assignment via the request form.

To unassign conversations:
  1. Use Message Filter to generate a filtered list. 
  2. Click Message Actions, then select Unassign.
  3. Select one or more conversations to unassign using the checkboxes, then click Unaassign Selected. Or, if you want to unassign the entire filtered list, click Unassign All x Matching, then select Unassign
Note: Once you generate a filtered list, you can review individual conversations by clicking the box below the View Conversation column. From that view, you can see all messages that have been exchanged and all survey answers that have been selected for that conversation. You are also able to send additional messages, edit survey answers, manage tags, and opt out or un-opt out contacts. You can toggle to other conversations in your list using the navigation left (<) and right (>) arrows.
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